Iconography Terms.
- ALB - a white undergarment, worn loose, origins from Roman tunic. Till 9th century outer garment for deacons in western Europe.
- ABRIS - contour, sketch.
- ADORATION - gesture meaning prayer to God: open palms with thumb up. In the iconography of the Virgin - at the icons of the type "Orans".
- ALABASTER, (Gr. ἀλάβαστρος) - a narrow-necked alabaster, or a metal vessel for storing incense. The icon painting depicts in the hands of myrrh-bearing women and some other saints.
- AMICE - a white vestment which is fastened over just the shoulders of a priest by two ribbons.
- ANTHEMION- decorative symmetrical floral pattern.
- ANALOY- lectern.
- ANALOY ICON - a small icon dedicated to a holiday or saint. In the days of these holidays. Lectern icon, also known as a proskynesis icon. An icon that is displayed on the lectern or on an easel in front of an iconostasis during the period of celebration of an important liturgical feast and which has as its theme an image pertaining to that feast
- ARTEL- an association of workshops of a particular trade, similar to a guild.
- ARCHETYPE - the pattern image that serves as the basis from which an iconography designs his own paintings.
- ASSIST (inakop') - 1. Adhesive for the sticker of gold and silver on the surface of the painting. 2. not quite correctly used in the meaning - rays and glare, filled with gold or silver and making up the pattern of clothes, hair, which symbolize the presence of Divine light.
- AUREOLE - a radiant light surrounding a holy figure. An aureole is distinct from a halo in that it encompasses the entire figure.
- AURIOPIGMENT- a golden mineral and bright yellow paint made from it.
- AZURITE - paint of dark blue color. A dark blue gemstone.
- BAGOR (багор) - a dark red color made from the Murex mollusk, often used to paint the maphorion of the Mother of God and the clothing of certain saints.
- BAGRYANITCA (багряница) - thread, fabric or clothing in red. With a ball of red thread depict the Virgin Mary on the icon of the Annunciation.
- BAKAN (бакан) - a dull organic reddish brown color used.
- BASMA - thin metal or leather sheets with a pattern embossed on a metal, wooden or stone matrix. Metal basma is used to decorate icons.
- BEAUTIFUL CORNER (red corner, icon corner) - the corner on the east side of the house. In the red corner was a home iconostasis. The brightest and most honorable place of the house, a symbolic analogue of the altar of an Orthodox church.
- BERLINSKAYA LAZYR - Prussian blue.
- BOGORODITSA (“birthgiver of God”) - Epithet for the Virgin, usually translated “Mother of God.” Dogmatically, the title asserts the hypostatic union of the divine and human natures into one Person.
- BOJNIC (nabojnik) - 1. A towel covering the icons in the red corner. 2. local naming of shelves for icons; 3. local colloquial naming of the icon painter.
- BOZHNITSA - local name for the cabinet or shelf for icons, icon case.
- BONE BLACK - natural pigment made from scorched boned or ivory.
- BOLE - prepared gilder's clay.
- BRACES - the wooden trusses run at the back of a wooden board, to stop warp of the board due to humidity changes.
- BROCADE - A woven cloth usually richly decorated with a thick embroidery (possibly of gold thread) and gemstones.
- BURNT SIENNA - Brown natural pigment made by burning raw sienna found in clay.
- CALYPTRA - the head-dress of the Byzantine Emperor shaped like an arched polygon.
- CARBON BLACK - a black natural mineral pigment.
- CARNELIAN - brown-red mineral often used as a gemstone.
- CATSIIA (катсииа) - church vessel for burning incense with a handle.
- CENCER - church vessel for burning incense suspended with chains.
- CHASUBLE - a large vestment with a hole for the head, full-length but left the feet visible.
- CHITON (хитон) -a Greek full-length article of clothing made of linen or wool.
- CHLAMYS (хламида) - a cape or cloak, fastened at the right shoulder. It is typically military apparel, worn by military saints and Archangels.
- CHOROS (корона) - a hanging metal ring that surrounds a large chandelier.
- CHRISTOGRAM - an emblem representing the name of Christ, formed from the Greek letters X and P.
- CHRYSOGRAPHYC - gold leaf hatching, mainly seen in icons on garments and mandorlas.
- CIBORIUM (киворий ) - canopy over the throne, supported by columns. Ciborium fastened curtains, closing in between the services. In icon painting, the image of the ciborium symbolizes the altar.
- CINNABAR (киноварь) - scarlet colored paint derived from minerals, commonly used in icon painting.
- CLAVUS - a colored stripe on a tunic, serving to denote rank or office. Sewn ornament in the form of vertical stripes running from the shoulders to the lower edge of the clothes; served as insignia of Roman citizens. Necessarily depicted on the tunic of Christ, as well as on the tunics of the apostles (Peter and Paul) and archangels.
- COLOMBIUM - (from κόλοβος, “shortened”) A large sleeveless tunic.
- CROSIER (епископский посох) - the ceremonial and ornate staff carried by bishops and other high ranking members of the clergy.
- DALMATIC - a Roman garment, a long shirt reaching to the ground usually worn by women but later incorporated as a liturgical vestment.
- DAMMAR VARNISH (dammar resin) - a resin used for the preparation of light-resistant varnishes, which, if necessary, are relatively easily washed off. In the restoration of icons, dammar is also used to compose wax-dammar mastic. Undiluted dammar varnish can be used as an adhesive base for sheet gilding.
- DESNICA - the right hand. In iconography, a symbolic image of the blessing and protection of God.
- DESPOTIC ICONS (from δεσπότης, “master”) - the large icons on the Iconostasis directly flanking the Royal Doors.
- DIPTHERA - a cloak made of pelts that covered the wearers’ shoulders.
- DIPTYCH ( Gk. for “folded in two”) -a pair of icons connected by a hinge, folding like a book.
- DOCETISM - an early heresy that taught that Christ did not have a human body, but had simply appeared as a human.
- DOLICHNOE - techniques for the painting of clothes and other elements of the icon, except for faces and open areas of the body.
- DVOEPERSTIE - the two-fingered sign of the cross formed with the index and middle fingers, used to give blessings. Old Believers always cross themselves with the hand in the dvoeperistie gesture.
- ECUMENICAL COUNCIL- a council at which bishops representing the entire Church are present and whose decisions are binding upon the whole Church. The Orthodox Church acknowledges seven, eight or nine Ecumenical Councils. Some Ecumenical Councils are depicted in iconography. The Seventh Ecumenical Council, commemorated in a feast as “The Triumph of Orthodoxy,” formally condemned Iconoclasm as heresy and gave iconography a formal canonical foundation.
- ENAMEL- melted powdered glass that is layer coated over a metal surface in order to provide an artistic aspect as well as to provide some protection to the surface.
- ENCAUSTIC - painting with pigments mixed in hot wax. A technique of early icon painting.
- ENCOLPION (энколпион, ἐγκόλπιον, “on the chest”) - a pectoral icon or cross suspended from the neck, esp. that of a bishop. Encolpion often contain relics.
- EPIGONATION (палица) - a diamond shaped vestment worn by priests and bishops that hangs over their shoulder at their side, embroidered with an icon.
- EPIMANIKIA (порутчи) - liturgical vestment cuffs that lace onto the wrists of a bishop to contain the sleeves of the sticharion.
- EPITAPHIOS (, plashanitca ,плащаница) - a large cloth, embroidered and often richly adorned.The icon depicts Christ after he has been removed from the cross, lying supine, as his body is being prepared for burial.
- EQUAL-TO-THE-APOSTLES(Равнапостольный) - a title bestowed upon certain saints, including the Myrrhbearers and great missionaries.
- FILIGREE (скань, зернь) - small beads of gold or other precious metal soldered on a surface of the same metal.
- FINIAL (шпиль) - architectural device, typically carved in stone to emphasize a gable or any of the distinctive ornaments of a building.
- FOLIATE - a decoration resembling leaf or foliage.
- FLAKE WHITE - a lead white pigment.
- FLESH - in icon all parts of the body uncovered: face, hand, feet,body.
- FLOAT - a very thin protective coating that is created during the separation and melding of small amounts of color.
- FRESCO (фреска) - painting done on plaster. Crude plaster painting with paints diluted in water. One of the techniques of mural painting. In a more general sense, any wall paintings can be called frescoes, regardless of the technique of execution.
- GAMMATA - designs in the shape of the Greek letter gamma, the third letter of the alphabet and symbol of the Holy Trinity.
- GESSO (гипс) - a white paint mixture used in artwork as preparation for wood panels, canvas, and sculptures, as well as a base for paint.
- GITIINAYA ICON - an icon depicting the lives of the saint (saints). In the center of the icon there is a middle man with the image of the saint, on the sides in the hallmarks are represented the main events of his life and the wonders associated with his name.
- GLAUCONITE - a green pigment most used by icon painters.
- GRAFYA - an outline scratched on plaster in preparation for the painting of a fresco.
- GRANATZA (гранаца) - a long, Persian gown later adopted by Byzantium.
- GRANULATION (зернь) - a technique by which the surface of a metal or jewel is decorated with small spheres of precious metals or jewels. Similar to filigree.
- GREAT MARTYR (великомученик) - a martyr with a special distinction.
- HAGIOGRAPHIC SERIES - a series of icons depicting scenes from a saint’s life, also known as a vita icon.
- HESYCHASM (исихазм; from ἡσυχία, “silence”) - a tradition of monastic prayer cultivating inner stillness.
- HIGHLIGHT -any of several spots in a painting that receives the greatest amount of illumination.
- HERMINIA - a special kind of instruction in icon painting. Unlike iconographic scripts, in terms, usually, attention is paid not only to iconography, but also to the technology of icon painting, as well as the theology of the icon.
- HIERARCH(иерарх, Gk. for “priestruler”) - a bishop (of any rank).
- HIEROMARTYR(священномученик) - Priest-martyr.
- HIEROMONK (иеромонах) - priest-monk.
- HIMATION (гиматий) - a cloak worn over the chiton, similar to a toga. Also, the monastic outer garment.
- HODEGETRIA (Greek: Ὁδηγήτρια) - literally: "She who shows the Way". Virgin Hodegetria, is an iconographic depiction of the Theotokos (Virgin Mary) holding the Child Jesus at her side while pointing to Him as the source of salvation for humankind.
- HINGED- ICON - an icon that consists of multiple panels hinged together.
- ICONOCLASM (Εἰκονόκλασμα) - 7th-9th century heresy enforced by Eastern Roman emperors that rejected all imagery as idolatrous. During the iconoclasm period, religious artworks was relentlessly destroyed. The end of Iconoclasm is celebrated annually as the “Triumph of Orthodoxy.”
- ICONOSTASIS - a wall of icons and religious paintings, separating the nave from the sanctuary in a church. Iconostasis also refers to a portable icon stand that can be placed anywhere within a church.
- ICONODULE or ICONOPHILE (εἰκονόδουλος, “icon-server" ) - one who venerates icons; an opponent of Iconoclasm.
- ICONOGRAPHER - a master specializing in the creation of icons. Unlike the artist, the icon painter is not regarded as the author of his work, he is a vehicle of Divine truth. According to legend, the first icon painter was the apostle and evangelist Luke.
- ICONOGRAPHY - description and classifications of established types of icon images.
- ICONOLOGY -1.The historical analysis and interpretive study of symbols or images and their contextual significance; iconography. 2. The study of icons or symbolic representations.
- ICONOSTAS (Иконостас, Gk. for “icon wall”) - the wall of icons separating the Sanctuary from the nave, also called the Templon. In the center of the Iconostasis are the Royal Doors; the Deacons’ Doors are located on the flanks.
- INDITIA - the ornamental cloth placed on the altar over the strachitsa.
- IZOGRAPH (изограф, Gk. for “one who paints identically”) - a Medieval term for an expert iconographer.
- IZVOD (извод) - somewhat modified, but within acceptable limits, repetition of the established pattern of a specific icon.
- JASPER - a yellow, green, or brown gemstone.
- KEKRYPHALOS (from κρυϕός, “hidden”) - the scarf worn by women saints.
- KERYKEON (from κῆρυξ, “herald”) - a staff shown in the hands of the heavenly messengers, the angels.
- KHITON (хитон) see chiton.
- KHORUGV' (хоругвь) - a banner with a holy image.
- KIVOT, KIOT (κίβωτος,) - wooden glazed cabinet drawer for icons. Display box for icons or other sacred objects to be venerated.
- KOVCHEG(ковчег) - the hollowed out center of an icon panel symbolizing the ark of salvation.
- KLEYMA (клейма) - border scenes.
- KLEIMO - concise compositions surrounding the centerpiece of the hagiographic icon, and displaying the most significant events, developing or explaining the plot of the centerpiece.
- KLOBUK(клобук) - veil worn by monks and high-ranking bishops. Monks wear a black klobuk; metropolitans and patriarchs wear a white one in Russian tradition.
- KLAV (клав) - a bright stripe on the hiton of Christ or apostles which is a symbol of their ministry.
- Krasnushka - a kind of icon painted by craftsmen. The prevailing red-brown color served as the basis for the names of such icons.
- KUKOL (куколь) - a long veil work over the head and back of a monk.
- LAMPENZEL' (лампензель) - a flat wide brush for transferring gold during gilding.
- LAPIS LAZULI (лазурит) - a highly prized, rare, and valuable blue precious stone found mainly in present-day Afghanistan. Pigment.
- LASTOCHKA (ласточка) - a small dowel with expanded ends used in gluing two boards for greater security.
- LAVARON (λάβαρον, from Lat. labrum, “banner”) - the symbol of the Cross and the four abbreviations IC XC NI KA, Greek for “Jesus Christ is victorious.”
- LAVRA (лавра) - a monastery granted a special honorary distinction. In older usage, a type of monastery in which monks lived in solitude, but within proximity of one another.
- LEAD WHITE - a white natural pigment derived from lead.
- LESTOVKA (лестовка) - an old Russian variant of the prayer rope (chotki) whose use continues among Old Believers.
- LEVKAS (левкас, Gk. for “white”) - a gesso of chalk and animal glue applied as an undercoat on the icon panel.
- LICHNOE (личное письмо) - the painting of faces.
- LITURGICAL SCEPTER (рипидa) - scepter often held by an angel.
- LOROS - a scarf embedded with precious stones and jewels, an attribute of archangels in attendance on Christ.
- LORUM (лор, Gk. for “leather strip”) - a scarf worn by Archangels and emperors.
- LUZGA (лузга) - the border between the kovcheg and the polya.
- MADE WITHOUT HANDS , ( MANDYLION )- an icon type depicting the miraculously created image of Christ. According to Church tradition, when Christ once wiped his face on a cloth, His image was miraculously imprinted onto the fabric. This image is known as the Mandylion or “the Holy Cloth.” The term may also be applied to other miraculously created images.
- MANDORLA - also called “Doxa” or “Glory.” A circular or almond shaped geometric shape surrounding the glorified body of Christ or the Mother of God.
- MANTIYA (мантия) - a cape worn by bishops when proceeding into a church.
- MAPHORION (μαϕόριον, “shawl”) - a light head scarf worn by women.
- MARRAMAS - a golden cloth used for liturgical ornamentation.
- MERILO - a staff carried by Archangels.
- MESNAEMPHTHES - a cap which covers most of the head, made to look like a crown.
- METROPOLITAN (митрополит) - a rank of bishop. His precise function varies depending on the jurisdiction of the Orthodox Church in which he operates.
- MILOT - hairy garment worn by prophets such as John the Baptist and Elijah.
- MINIUM - is a bright orange red pigment. Red lead.
- MITER (митра, Gk. for “hat”) A bishop’s crown.
- MYRRH-BEARERS (Жены́-мѷроно́сицы) - the women who discovered the empty tomb of Christ, considered equal to the Apostles.
- NEPHRITE (нефрит) - a variety of jade.
- NIMBUS (nimb) - halo, the symbol of the radiance around the head in the image of Christ, the Mother of God, saints, etc. The nimbus of the Savior on canonical icons necessarily contains an inscribed cross.
- OCHRE - natural pigment, earth paint. Color from yellow to reddish brown.
- OLIFA - protective oil coating applied on top of a completed icon.
- OMOPHORION (омофоръ, Gk. for “scarf”) - a white wool cloth worn over the shoulders, a distinguishing part of a bishop’s vestment.
- ORANS - praying posture in which the palm of the hands are lifted up.
- ORARION (ὁράριον; орарь) - stole worn by a deacon.
- ORPIMENT - a yellow, orange, or golden mineral used as a natural pigment.
- OZHIVKY or DVIZHKY (оживкий, движкий) - light flesh paint.
- PANAGIA PLATYTERA (Greek: Πλατυτέρα; "wider" or "more spacious") - is an icon of the Theotokos, facing the viewer directly, usually depicted full length with her hands in the "orans" position, and with the image of Christ as a child in front of her chest, also facing the viewer directly. Sometimes the image of Christ is contained within a medallion. "More spacious than the heavens."
- PANTOCRATOR (Greek: Χριστὸς Παντοκράτωρ) ( "Almighty" or "All-powerful") - a title of Christ represented as the ruler of the universe.
- PALLIUM - a strip of cloth hung over the shoulders of some bishops, especially metropolitan or archbishop.
- PATAGIUM - purple and gold bands that decorate the front of women's tunics.
- PATERNITAS ICON - Fatherhood, and sometimes referred to as the New Testament Trinity.
- PATRIARCH (патриарх, Gk. for “national head”) - the highest rank of bishop.
- PAVOLOKA (паволка, “sheet, cover”) - a sheet of canvas fixed to the face of an icon panel before painting to prevent cracking.
- PENDOULIA - ornaments that hang from a crown.
- PERSPECTIVE - a way to image space and objects on a plane. Perspective can be linear and color. In color perspective, the farther away the object is from the front board, the brighter it is. Linear perspective - projecting a three-dimensional object onto a two-dimensional plane. It is divided into direct and reverse. In the direct perspective, parallel lines converge at a point on the horizon, and in the opposite they diverge. The reverse perspective effect gives an unusual perception of images - objects that are farthest from the viewer seem larger than near ones. Iconography is characterized by a reverse perspective.
- PODEA - a cloth upon which icons are places for display. The podae is often embroidered with its own icons.
- POLIMENT (полимент) - clay placed on an icon before gilding.
- POLYSTAVRION - a liturgical vestment with black crosses on a white background worn by a monk who has reached the order of schema.
- PORUCHI (поручи) - cuffs worn by clergy.
- POZEM(позем) - stylized representation of the ground at the bottom of an icon.
- PRAZELEN (празелен) - green paint used to create the Pozem.
- PROBELA (пробела) - highlights.
- PRORIS' (прорись) - a line drawing for an icon.
- PROSKYNESIS (проскинеза, Gk. for “kneeling down”) - veneration.
- PROSKYNETARION - a stand for a specially honored icon.
- PARAMAN (параманъ) - a garment worn over the shoulders of a great Schema monk.
- RIZA (риза) - a metal revetment covering an icon, but showing the figures’ faces. Also called Oklad.
- ROSKRYSH' (роскрышь) - a uniform application of the basic color plane in the contour of the sketch.
- ROYAL DOORS - the central doors in the Iconostasis.
- RUBELLITE (рубеллит) - a red or pink variety of the semi-precious gemstone tourmaline.
- SANKHIR (санкирь) - dark underpaint for the face hands and other body parts.
- SCARABICON - outer garment of high Byzantine dignitaries.
- SCHEMA (Схима, Gk. for “dress, habit”) - the monastic habit, embroidered with the Cross, instruments of the Passion and initials of Christ.
- SENMURV (симург) - a mythical creature, half bird, half dog or lion.
- SERAPHIM (the fiery ones) - an six winged angel who revere God and proclaim His supreme glory.
- SFEAR (сфера) - a circle with the inscription ИС ХС in the hands of angels, symbolizing heaven.
- SHELL GOLD - is genuine powdered gold is suspended in gum arabic.
- SIENNA (сиена) - a brown natural pigment derived from clay.
- SIZE - is an adhesive which is used to make the gold metal leaf adhere to the desired area to be guilded.
- SKIRADION - head-dress worn by Byzantine dignitaries.
- SKIN- see flesh
- SMALT (смальта) - glass that is been mixed with cobalt powder to give it a blue color.
- SLUKHI (слухи) - long ribbons that emanate from the ears of angels representing their listening to God.
- SOUDARION (See Mandylion).
- SPEAR - a small spear in the shape of the orthodox cross used to cut the Host.
- SPIKA (спика) - the three stars depicted on the Virgin’s shawl, symbolizing her perpetual virginity, which was retained before, during and after giving birth.
- STEMMA - a circlet inlaid with precious stones and a cross which is worn by the Empress.
- STEPHANOS - a crown sent by the Byzantine Emperor to his vassal kings.
- STOLE (епитрахиллион) - a long vestment worn around the back of the neck with the two ends hanging down parallel to each other in front, either attached to each other or hanging loose.
- SUSLO (сусло) - a dry beer used during the application of the assist.
- SYNAXARION (синаксарь) - a book describing the lives of the saints and meaning of each celebrated event on the liturgical calendar.
- SURIK - the name of the colors of red and red-brown colors. It is a natural iron oxide with a small admixture of clay substances and sandstone.
- TABLETKA (таблетка) - a two-sided icon prepared on both sides with thick canvas.
- TEMPERA (темпера) - paints made with the yolk or yolk and white of chicken eggs.
- THEOSIS or DIVINIZATION ("divinization may also refer to APOTHEOSIS ,lit. "making divine") -is a transformative process whose aim is likeness to or union with God. As a process of transformation, theosis is brought about by the effects of catharsis (purification of mind and body) and theoria ('illumination' with the 'vision' of God). Theosis is very much the purpose of human life. It is considered achievable only through a synergy (or cooperation) between human activity and God's uncreated energies.
- TITULUS - an inscription on an icon.
- TRIPTYCH (триптих, Gk. for “folded in three”) a set of three icons connected by hinges and folding together.
- TRISAGION (Трисвятое, “thrice-holy”) the Trinitarian hymn, “Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.” Triumph of Orthodoxy The end of Iconoclasm under the Empress Irene in 843, celebrated as an important feast day. troparion (тропар) A short hymn or a stanza.
- TVORENKA (твореное золото, shell gold) - leaves of gold leaf that are ground to a powder and then mixed with a binding agent. A gold paint used for fine lettering.
- TYABLO (тябло) - a shelf on an iconostasis on which icons are positioned.
- TYPICON (богослужебный устав) - a book of liturgical rubrics and protocol.
- UBRUS (убрус) - the towel with the image of Christ.
- UMBER (умбра) - a type of brown clay natural pigment.
- UNMERCENARIES (целители) - physicians who healed the poor free of charge. Several pairs of saints bear this epithet, most notably Cosmas and Damian.
- VELOUM (велум), (veil ,curtain) -a large red cloth drawn in icons as a conopy over characters, representing that they are inside a room.
- VELLUM - the skin of calves prepared for use in writing or illumination. Parchment is a more genetic term.
- VENETS ( венец) - an applied halo on an oklad.
- VENCHIK - red line around halo.
- VERTEP - cave; the scene of events depicted in the compositions of the Nativity of Christ.
- ZERTSALO (зерцало) - a transparent globe held by Archangels.
- ZHERTVENNIK (жертвенник) - the northern part of the Sanctuary, where the Eucharistic Gifts are prepared.
- ZNAMENSHCHIK (знаменщик) - the head iconographer in a team of iconographers, who makes the sketch for a prospective icon.